今年下定决心报了游泳课 (RM 100/10 堂课)。初学者的我怀着即紧张又害怕的心情上了第一堂课(上个星期三)。那一天,是在下着小雨的露天游泳池学漂(初学者所要掌握的技巧-Basic Floating Techniques in swimming),水里非常冷,记忆深刻啊!
Starfish Float-面朝下、背朝天的漂-A star or starfish float is when you lie on your back or front (the former is easier) in the water with your arms and legs spread in the shape of a star and float on the surface of the water.下图取自google照片。教练说我的耳朵必须浸在水里,尝试了2-3次的反复练习,终于漂了起来。。。那一刻很兴奋。。。我终于成功漂了。记住,深吸一口气然后憋气,一定要尽量把头埋入水中,这样你的身体才能够放平。要尽量放松,不要紧张,逐渐体会到水是能够浮起你的身体的。
2 Back Float- Floating on your back is a great way to get more comfortable in the water and to have fun relaxing on your back without the full effort of swimming. To float on your back, you have to position your head, upper body, and lower body correctly.下图取自google照片。仰漂对我而言有点难,需要人辅助托持,帮助浮起和平衡。在学习中。。。
3 Mushroom float-is a simple exercise you can do that demonstrates the human body's natural tendency to float.下图取自google照片。水母漂,收腿兩手抱住膝蓋,收下巴,眼睛看下面,背部自然朝上。最快漂了起来的漂浮式。