
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

我用了GSC birthday Treat Coupon (entitle Two free movie tickets)看了部我喜欢的电影(The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones)。还没看之前,完全没有想到我又会因为戏而看小说。。。。今天买了2 本系列 3和4 (City of Ashes 《灰烬之城》 和 《猎月》)。没想到第一和第二系列缺货。。。要预购。

戏中有三位演员看了戏后才认出他们。。。Lily Collin曾经出演mirror mirror 里的snow white。女主角Lily Collin这一次比「魔鏡,魔鏡」里面更可愛又漂亮。 而 Jamie Campbell Bower参与过《Twilight Saga》和《Harry Potter》角色但我不记得了。 Jamie在The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones里演男主角很适合。因为杰斯的角色(Jamie饰演)是一个暗影猎人 (shadow hunter),他很高,很强壮,金色的皮肤上有着曾经的符印留下的疤印。他有着金 色卷发和金色的眼睛。。。和Jamie相似。我喜欢他头几场戏穿着斗蓬,非常帅气!哈哈。另外一位唯一亚籍演员》》高以翔演Magnus Bane。第二场戏才认出他。。。好萊塢的妝容的确是了不得,让他整個变了個人。戏里他是一名 巫师。

  • Lily Collins as Clary Fray
  • Jamie Campbell Bower as Jace Wayland
  • Robert Sheehan as Simon Lewis

据说电影part 2明年(2014)上影。。。。好期待 这个小說改編的电影。因为在city of bone电影里有很多悬念。。。没有结尾。Clary 与Jace是否兄妹呢?Simon情归伊莎贝?好想知道故事如何发展而买小说的我。。。。要慢慢进入我的书香世界咯。


When A Man Loves A Woman

有天在Morganfields, Gurney Paragon用餐时听见这首动听的情歌。。。原来中国好声音第二季的金润吉也唱过此歌。。。不过Morganfields播放的应该是michael Bolton的 版本-电影插曲《当男人爱上女人》。

When a man loves a woman, he can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world for the good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it, she can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend if he put her down

When a man love
a woman, spend his very last dime
Trying' to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts, sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way it ought to be

Well, this man loves a woman
I gave you everything I had
Trying' to hold on to high glass love
Baby, please don't treat me bad

When a man loves a woman, down deep in his soul
She can bring him such misery
If she played him for a fool, he's the last one to know
Loving' eyes can't ever see

When a man loves a woman, he can do her no wrong
He can never own some other girl
Yes, when a man loves a woman I know exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're my world
When a man loves a woman I know exactly how he feels

Moustache Houze@Campbell Street

最近,槟城又出现了一间很“夯”很火红的咖啡馆。今年七月才开张。我决定把讨论韩国行程的地点定在这间座落在新街 (Campbell Street)的Moustache Houze!它位于新街最尾段的左边。。。有点难找车位哦。

 他们家的menu 都写在墙上的黑板上。。。所以要去cashier counter 点你的饮料与蛋糕。记得先找你的坐位号哦。。。然后告诉店员。



我们坐在顶楼的休息间。。。那里的店员说照片中的13号 坐位只给8 人坐。。。。所以我们就换座在旁边的11 号坐位。

我们点了Varlhona Crunchy Choco Crepe 与 Tiramisu。。。。这里也有好多crepe cake的选择.但我去的那天好多人,而且很多饮料与蛋糕都缺货。我想点"Neapolitan crepe cake",好可惜没有尝到它(那天没看到)。我觉得Varlhona Crunchy Choco Crepe有点硬。。。  而且好多Crunchy Choco在里面。Moustache Houze的Tiramisu,是他们店里的畅销品,我喜欢他们的Tiramisu。口感蛮绵密的。

饮料我们就点了Espresso Ice Cubes & Kiwi Ice Cubes。我想尝试他们的Ice Cube。。。。没有失望因为蛮特别的饮料。他们把Espresso&kiwi结成冰块,然后附上牛奶与soda让我们倒入Espresso&kiwi冰块中。溶化了就可以喝啦。。。。可以享受准备饮料的小小过程。只是chocolate Ice Cubes也缺货。。。小小遗憾咯。 

Moustache Houze Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MoustacheHouze